Episode 021: Revisiting Alan Seid’s Kalapa
Jan 28, 2020
This week on the Seeds of Tao Podcast, we circled back around to a previous guest on our podcast, Alan Rafael Seid. Last time Alan talked to us about the importance of people care, and generally what he's doing with his project called Kalapa. We discussed in the blog post the importance of manifesting and how to manifest your permaculture dream. This was before the official launch of the Kalapa.
Now things are moving and shaking with Alan and the Kalapa is started, so we brought him back on to discuss what is happening within the Kalapa right now in the North section, which focuses on Integral Theory, and in the Northeast, focusing on Personal Practice. Here is a visual representation of the compass Alan refers to.
Instead of taking topics that he brings up and running with it in this blog post, this time around we're going to put forth all the amazing resources that Alan brings up in the interview. So go check that out if you haven't already, and here are more resources for the curious permie mind :) * heads up, affiliate links ahead*
Here's the YouTube video about the Four Quadrants in Ken Wilber's Integral Model where you can learn more about Integral Theory.
Then Ken Wilber's book, A Theory of Everything (the source for Integral Theory)
In the North, The Universe Story by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry is a wonderful resource, which you can find on Amazon here.
In the Northeast, we move into Integrated Personal Practice. This is a playlist that Alan, himself, uses for spirituality and personal development.
Then, in terms of books for those in the Northeast, the Integral Life Practice by Ken Wilber is a wonderful resource.
Then to the East, the last direction we will share about in this post, Alan has two playlists on the topic of Interpersonal Effectiveness he regularly uses...
There is also a wonderful book called Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships.
There you have it, hopefully, these resources will give you a good sense of what Kalapa is all about and some new avenues for study.
Keep Growing!