Episode 039: Earth Care World Report on Soil Health
Jun 02, 2020
We're back for the next World Report, and around to Earth Care again! Recently we have been doing tons of research and watching documentaries on soil, the state of it, the direction it's moving across the globe, and how to help it. In Episode 039, Josh is addressing this soil-loss issue, and mentioning many resources he has found along his research path. However, there is a lot of information out there, and we feel like everyone needs to be in charge of their own education on this urgent matter. Here in the blog post we're going to list out some resources for you to dive in to, to understand the situation better for yourself.
Here are some of the sources for this quote, the hot topic of this episode.
And some information on Maria-Helena Semedo herself..
The Need to Grow is a documentary about the global soil situation, and follows a few movers and shakers trying to improve things in their own communities. https://grow.foodrevolution.org/
Symphony of the Soil is a fantastic, in-depth documentary about what soil really is, how it develops, and what we can do to improve the soil where we're at. https://symphonyofthesoil.com/
If you'd like to dive more into growing your own knowledge of soil biology, the Organic Farming Research Foundation has a great guide at https://ofrf.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Soil_Biology_Guide.pdf
There are also a number of organizations working tirelessly in this field including...
There are a lot of people fighting tooth and nail to help this global issue, but because it's a global issue we ALL need to be engaged in the solution. If you want to further engage in the conversation, or add to the pool of resources, join in our Community.
Keep Growing Soil Permies!
Previous Episode: The Power of Service as a Change Agent with Ronald Porter