Episode 113: Vandana Shiva Regenpreneur Story - Your Power is Immeasurable
Apr 18, 2023
Synergetic Press: a diverse and eclectic catalog of books that cover topics such as ecology, sustainability, indigenous cultures, visionary art, and more. Use discount code tao20 at checkout for a 20% discount that also supports the podcast. Here are some of Vandana’s books on Synergetic Press
We are so excited to have Dr. Vandana Shiva on the podcast this week. Dr. Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, and anti-globalization author who has been advocating for sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation for over three decades. She founded Navdanya, a movement that aims to protect nature and people’s rights to knowledge, biodiversity, water and food. Shiva has been a vocal critic of genetically modified crops and has been fighting against corporate monopolies of seeds. She is at the forefront of the regenerative movement, devoting her life to creating positive change in the world. In this episode we’ll dive in deeper into Vandana’s journey into the regenerative movement and the guiding philosophies that have brought her to this point. We also dive into the potential of those in the movement right now, the unlimited potential we all have, just like a seed.
Show Notes:
4:00 Vandana shares about her start in studying Physics trying to understand the amazing ways that nature works
9:00 Vandana decides to cut her reliance on traditional funding for scientific research and start her own foundation
11:00 Vandana encounters the regime working to take over the seed, which changed her focus to saving seeds and the creation of Navdanya.
12:00 Vandana mentions the Earth University
14:00 Vandana shares about the group of “diverse women to protect diversity” gathering to protect the seed
17:00 Vandana shares about the first time she found her voice
22:00 Vandana discusses the rise of eco-feminism
25:30 Vandana shares about the shifts in women leaders and voices she has seen throughout the years
29:10 Vandana shares the area where she believes women need to be in the regeneration movement
31:00 Vandana discusses the culture of care
35:00 Vandana shares the mindset shift she had that helped her to speak to large crowds, even though she started off as a shy child
42:00 Vandana tells the story of her wonderful mother who inspired Vandana to take up the torch of feminism
46:00 Vandana shares her message to the women of the world
Guest Bio:
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and anti-globalisation author. Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. She is often referred to as "Gandhi of grain" for her activism associated with the anti-GMO movement.
Vandana is one of the leaders and board members of the International Forum on Globalization (with Jerry Mander, Ralph Nader, and Helena Norberg-Hodge), and a figure of the anti-globalisation movement. She has argued in favour of many traditional practices, as in her interview in the book Vedic Ecology (by Ranchor Prime). She is a member of the scientific committee of the Fundacion IDEAS, Spain's Socialist Party's think tank. She is also a member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society.
Host Bio:
Emily Prieto LinkedIn Profile
Emily is an explorer for the new creative solarpunk world and catalyst for regenerative economies and permanent cultures (permacultures). As the co-founder of Seeds of Tao she helps create experiences and opportunities for entrepreneurs to build strong regenerative enterprises. She is an artist, creative designer, and brand strategist who has worked with small and large businesses to create content that shares the brand identity through a compelling message and story. Using her creative design talent, Emily has also become a permaculture land designer, helping to design both commercial and residential lands for long-term regenerative change. She fluently speaks Spanish and English, adores Latin-American culture and chooses to build community and regenerative stewardship in the rainforests of Central America alongside her husband and four children.